Grab & Match Leveled Geometry & Measurement Quickies - Gr. 4-5
Grab & Match Leveled Geometry & Measurement Quickies - Gr. 4-5
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9 yrs. - 10 yrs. / 4th gr. - 5th gr.
Our card games encourage critical thinking, speed and accuracy—to help challenging geometry and measurement concepts become second nature for students! You get 15 different games that progress in difficulty to keep students focused and engaged as they match angle measurements to triangles and quadrilaterals, 3-D figures to their volumes and more. Set includes 240 cards, plus an answer key; in a 10 1/2" box.
Item # PP362
Develops skills in drawing points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, perpendicular and parallel lines; recognizing and drawing lines of symmetry, plotting points on a coordinate plane and graphing; word problems; finding unknown angles; and measuring volumes.