Time Instant Learning Center

$15.99reg. $39.99
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Time Instant Learning Center
Time Instant Learning Center

Time Instant Learning Center

$15.99reg. $39.99
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Students master analog and digital time—with a hands-on learning center that comes ready to use! Our instant center has everything students need to build skills independently: Just set out the materials…then students use fun, watch-shaped puzzles to match each analog time with its digital and word forms! The center has enough materials for up to 4 students to work at once, including a double-sided instruction chart that gives everyone easy access to the activities…and simple instructions that are a cinch for students to follow on their own. Center includes 120 puzzle pieces (30 per pouch), 4 pouches…plus a guide with differentiated instruction strategies and a write & wipe assessment card to track students’ progress.
Item # DD564
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Develops skills in measurement & data and analog and digital time.

Ratings & Reviews

Time Instant Learning Center

Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 52out of 2 reviewers would recommend this product to a friend.

October 30, 2023 - By Mara Marinfrom Carthage, NC

Too hard for first graders. Not my favorite purchase. Too many watches for the students to sort through.

Yes, I would recommend this product.
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January 27, 2023 - By Brenda Mejiafrom Victorville, CA

The best item I’ve purchased. My son was struggling with time but with consistency it has been the best investment.

Yes, I would recommend this product.
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